World Module

The world module provides functionalities to create and manage different types of worlds using Tkinter-based GUI components.


getScreenSize(): tuple

Returns the screen size for any operating system.

  • Raises: NotImplementedError: If the operating system is not supported.
  • Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the width and height of the screen.


Note: For detailed documentation on each class, click on the respective links below.


Represents a grid-based world environment. This class facilitates the creation, visualization, and manipulation of a grid structure where agents can navigate and interact with nodes.


Models a tree-based world environment. It supports operations such as node insertion, deletion, traversal, and visualization within a hierarchical tree structure.


Implements a graph-based world environment. This class allows for the creation, visualization, and management of nodes and edges in a graph structure. It supports operations like adding nodes, creating edges, and visualizing connectivity.