
The CreateTreeWorld class represents a tree-based world environment where agents can navigate and interact with nodes. It provides methods to construct the world, define goal states, set up the agent, and visualize the world.


  • worldID (str): Class identifier for the tree world.
  • nodeMap (dict): Dictionary mapping node IDs to canvas objects.
  • root: The root of the tree data structure.
  • _agent: The agent in the world.


__init__(self, worldName, worldInfo, radius=20, fontSize=12, fontBold=True, fontItalic=True, nodeColor="gray", rootColor="red", goalColor="green", width=SCREEN_WIDTH, height=SCREEN_HEIGHT, lineThickness=2, arrowShape=(10, 12, 5), buttonBgColor="#7FC7D9", buttonFgColor="#332941", textFont="Helvetica", textSize=24, textWeight="bold", buttonText="Start Agent", logoPath=None)

The constructor initializes an instance of the CreateTreeWorld class with attributes defining the tree world.

  • Parameters:
    • worldName (str): The name of the world.
    • worldInfo (dict): A dictionary containing information about the world.
      • 'root' (str,int,char): The ID of the root node.
      • 'goals' (list): List of goal node IDs.
      • 'adj' (dict): Adjacency list representing tree connections.
      • 'position' (dict): Dictionary of node positions with node IDs as keys.
      • 'edges' (dict, optional): Dictionary of edge information. Default is None.
      • 'vals' (dict, optional): Dictionary of node values. Default is None.
    • radius (int): The radius of the nodes in the world visualization. Default is 20.
    • fontSize (int): The font size of the node labels. Default is 12.
    • fontBold (bool): Whether to use bold font for the node labels. Default is True.
    • fontItalic (bool): Whether to use italic font for the node labels. Default is True.
    • nodeColor (str): The color of the nodes. Default is "gray".
    • rootColor (str): The color of the root node. Default is "red".
    • goalColor (str): The color of the goal nodes. Default is "green".
    • width (int): The width of the world visualization canvas. Default is SCREEN_WIDTH.
    • height (int): The height of the world visualization canvas. Default is SCREEN_HEIGHT.
    • lineThickness (int): The thickness of the lines connecting the nodes. Default is 2.
    • arrowShape (tuple): The shape of the arrows indicating the direction of the edges. Default is (10, 12, 5).
    • buttonBgColor (str): The background color of the buttons. Default is "#7FC7D9".
    • buttonFgColor (str): The foreground color of the buttons. Default is "#332941".
    • textFont (str): The font family of the button text. Default is "Helvetica".
    • textSize (int): The font size of the button text. Default is 24.
    • textWeight (str): The font weight of the button text. Default is "bold".
    • buttonText (str): The text displayed on the buttons. Default is "Start Agent".
    • logoPath (str, optional): The file path to the logo image. Default is "design 1.png".



This method generates a textual description of the attributes of the world. It creates a formatted table using PrettyTable library, listing details such as the world name, root node ID, goal nodes, visualization parameters (radius, colors, font settings), and UI configurations (button colors, text attributes).


  • None


  • str: Description of the world attributes.


The summary() method provides a concise overview of the world by displaying the number of visits to each node. It uses PrettyTable to create a table listing each node ID along with its corresponding visit count.


  • None


  • str: Summary of the world.


This method constructs the visual representation of the tree world. It calls private methods _drawEdges(), _drawNodes(), and _addStartButton() to render edges, nodes, and UI controls on the canvas.


  • None


  • None

changeNodeColor(nodeId, color)

Allows changing the color of a specific node identified by nodeId on the canvas to the specified color. This method updates the visual representation of the node in the tree world.


  • nodeId (int): The ID of the node to change the color of.
  • color (str): The new color to set for the node.


  • None

changeNodeText(nodeId, newText)

Enables updating the text label of a specific node identified by nodeId on the canvas to the provided newText. This method modifies the displayed text associated with the node.


  • nodeId (int): The ID of the node to change the text of.
  • newText (str): The new text to set for the node.


  • None


Returns the pointer to the node object with the given nodeId. This method facilitates access to specific nodes within the tree data structure based on their unique identifiers.


  • nodeId: The ID of the node to retrieve the pointer for.


  • Node: Pointer to the node object.


Sets the agent (if applicable) that will interact with the tree world. The agent can be a separate class responsible for algorithmic operations or simulations within the world.


  • agent (Agent): The agent to be set.


  • None


Starts the graphical user interface (GUI) main loop, displaying the constructed tree world and allowing user interaction through the Tkinter window.


  • None


  • None


Provides a string representation of the CreateTreeWorld instance, summarizing its attributes and configurations. It calls aboutWorld() internally to generate this textual description.


  • None


  • str: String representation of the world.